
Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy

This TED Talk by Adam Alter has changed the way that I view technology in my life. I believe that God has given us technology not only for genealogical work, but for blessing and enhancing our lives and family relationships. At the same time, Satan takes the good in the world as a tool to be used against us.

Elder Richard G. Scott taught:

The Spirit has taught me that Satan doesn’t have to tempt us to do bad things—he can accomplish much of his objective by distracting us with many acceptable things, thus keeping us from accomplishing the essential ones. Part of our testing here on earth is to have so many seemingly interesting things to do that we can forget the main purposes for being here.

Satan works very hard so that the essential things won’t happen. In quiet moments when you think about it, you recognize what is critically important in life and what isn’t. Be wise and don’t let good things crowd out those that are essential.

Elder Richard G. Scott, “21 Principles” (pg. 72)

Are there so many fascinating, exciting things to do, or so many challenges pressing upon you, that it is hard to keep focused on that which is essential? When things of the world crowd in, all too often the wrong things are allowed to take highest priority. Then it is easy to forget the fundamental purpose of life. Satan has a powerful tool to use against good people, those who are committed to a worthy, righteous life, who want to do good and intend to make the most of this life. His tool is distraction. He has an extensive array of undeniably good things that are used to keep us from doing the essential ones. Have you noticed that when you begin to focus on something truly important, something of eternal significance, there often come thoughts of other good things to distract you? Satan promotes distraction. He would have good people fill life with“ good things” so there is no room for the“ essential ones.” Have you unconsciously been caught in that trap?

Elder Richard G. Scott, “Finding Peace, Happiness, and Joy” (Chapter 2)

How are we using technology? It is a wonderful servant… but it is a horrible master. I still play games and watch “mindless” shows and movies with my kids that we enjoy… but we do it intentionally and with moderation. Overall though, I have learned to leverage technology in my favor to help me save time to work less and do more in less time.

As I review the impact and time I have wasted from technology, I keep thinking back to when we were newlyweds living in our apartment in Orem. One of the biggest blessings that I can trace back to what strengthened our marriage and relationships, was the fact that the cable for our television simply could never get fixed. What that caused us to do was to play board games, watch DVDs, and actually spend time together. We didn’t need to “find something to watch”… we found our time together to be richer and more fulfilling as we had more “Green Time” instead of “Screen Time”.

I think my favorite part of Adam’s TED Talk besides learning how much time screens are taking away from me, is the suggestion he gives to be mindful of when we are using our screens. For example, instead of saying all screens go off at a specific time, they are turned off at designated “Stopping Cues”. So whenever it is time to eat dinner as a family around the table, we leave our phones on the counter and put them on Do Not Disturb mode. We have been doing this and it has been a blessing to actually sit as a family and talk together at dinner instead of having the television on. However, 90% or more of the time I am streaming background music using Pandora. Good wholesome music (especially songs without lyrics) have really enhanced and strengthened the Spirit in our home.

I have 1,440 minutes in a day. When I think about the good I can do and the things I can accomplish in under 5 minutes or even in 1 minute… I start viewing and valuing my time differently. I now count my minutes instead of my hours.