
The Healing Power of Gratitude

I am so grateful for living prophets and apostles and absolutely loved President Nelson’s message this morning.

The scriptures are filled with many verses about the importance of continually giving thanks. Here are just a few of them from the book of Psalm:

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.

Psalm 92:1

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good.

Psalm 136:1

Come before his presence with thanksgiving.

Psalm 95:2

President Russell M. Nelson gave all of us a challenge for the next 7 days. Here is what he said:

So, dear friends, may I prescribe two activities to help us experience the healing power of gratitude.

First, I invite you—just for the next seven days—to turn social media
into your own personal gratitude journal. Post every day about what you
are grateful for, whom you are grateful for, and why you are grateful.
At the end of seven days, see if you feel happier and more at peace.
Use the hashtag #GiveThanks. Working together, we can flood social
media with a wave of gratitude that reaches the four corners of the
earth. Perhaps this will fulfill, in part, the promise God gave to Father
Abraham, that through his descendants “all families of the earth [shall]
be blessed.”

Second, let us unite in thanking God through daily prayer. Jesus Christ
taught His disciples to pray by first expressing gratitude to God and then
petitioning Him for the things we need. Prayer brings forth miracles.

He then concluded his message by offering a prayer of thanks and help. It was so powerful and inspiring to hear the Lord’s living prophet pray. I am so grateful for him and to know that Jesus Christ is leading His church through His servants.

I am so thankful for Jesus Christ and His Atonement and His great plan of happiness. He is the Prince of Peace. He gives us hope, when hope is gone. He gives us strength when we can’t go on. He gives us shelter in the storms of life. When there is no peace on Earth, there is peace in Christ. #GiveThanks