
A Personal Interview with the Savior

I am continually pondering and praying to know how I can be a better husband, father, and man. Whenever I sincerely ask God what I can do differently, he lovingly and sometimes painfully reminds me of my weaknesses and how I can improve… but it’s always done in a loving way from a loving Heavenly Father.

Shortly after one of these prayers, I was directed through my morning gospel study to a BYU speech from Elder Robert D. Hales titled Understandings of the Heart. He shared a story about President David O. McKay that has changed my life…

(Start at 27:55)


In June of 1965, a group of brethren in the Physical Facilities Department of the Church were doing some work outside the Hotel Utah apartment of President David O. McKay. As President McKay stopped to explain to them the importance of the work in which they were engaged, he paused and told them the following:

Let me assure you, Brethren, that some day you will have a personal priesthood interview with the Savior, Himself. If you are interested, I will tell you the order in which He will ask you to account for your earthly responsibilities.

First, He will request an accountability report about your relationship with your wife. Have you actively been engaged in making her happy and ensuring that her needs have been met as an individual?

Second, He will want an accountability report about each of your children individually. He will not attempt to have this for simply a family stewardship but will request information about your relationship to each and every child.

Third, He will want to know what you personally have done with the talents you were given in the pre-existence.

Fourth, He will want a summary of your activity in your Church assignments. He will not be necessarily interested in what assignments you have had, for in his eyes the home teacher and a mission president are probably equals, but He will request a summary of how you have been of service to your fellowmen in your Church assignments.

Fifth, He will have no interest in how you earned your living, but if you were honest in all your dealings.

Sixth, He will ask for an accountability on what you have done to contribute in a positive manner to your community, state, country and the world. [From Notes of Fred A. Baker, Managing Director, Department of Physical Facilities]

May we be able to meet these tests with affirmative answers and receive a loving welcome home from the Lord, who we hope will say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

It is my fervent desire that each of us will use our God-given intelligence to gain the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in our hearts to meet life’s tests and trials and to endure to the end. May each of us use our gifts and talents to protect, love, and lift others in a caring way is my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


The time I have been alloted in this life to learn, grow, and become a strong disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ is very limited. If there is one thing I feel that I will review and stand accountable for to the Lord, it will be how I used my time and if I spent it well by improving my life, strengthening my relationships, developing talents, and doing good by serving others.

I’m grateful for the sacred time that I have been given, and for the time that I have left.