Family spending time together outside. Connecting with creation connects us with the Creator.

Connecting with Creation Connects Us with the Creator

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, anxious, or sad… I like to go on walks. Connecting with creation connects us with the Creator. I am quickly reminded through the Spirit of who I am, where I came from, and why I am here. Spending time outside is therapeutic and helps us heal and rebalance.

It is so tempting to look at my phone when I first wake up each morning to see what I missed. When I choose email and never ending rabbit holes through other sources, I find that my days don’t start out and flow the best. That’s why I have been starting my mornings outside.

More Green Time, Less Screen Time

A new part of my morning routine involves going on a walk first thing. There is something about getting outside and having the sunshine warming your face as you breathe in fresh air. I highly recommend it. I used to start by listening to the Daily Calm in the Calm app. I do still like listening to that meditation, but as I have been spending time outside connecting with my Heavenly Father, I have found a better source of meditation and learning… a General Conference talk. I also have enjoyed listening to the Morning Stretch playlist on Spotify (I have lots of favorite playlists).

Connecting with heaven while learning and listening to sources that help me feel the Spirit, my entire day is transformed for the better. I also want my children to learn that they don’t have to always be entertained. We live in a day where we feel that we have to frequently be scrolling, reading, or watching some video. I personally am trying to be better myself. I believe that when we have more “green time” and less “screen time”, our days and life will become better and happier.

This Wonderful World

I really enjoy listening to Music and The Spoken Word messages on YouTube each Sunday morning (there are other ways to view the live broadcasts too). I enjoyed this message of how spending time in nature makes us feel better. I testify that it is true. Connecting with creation connects us with the Creator. When we pause and take time to be present and let the Spirit remind us who we truly are, everything improves.

We feel better when we spend time outside. Most of us know this by experience, and research backs it up. Spending time in nature has been shown to help reduce stress, clarify thoughts, and improve our well-being. (see  “Why Living Near Greenery Helps Us Think Better,” by Christopher Bergland, Psychology Today, April 27, 2022, psychologytoday.com). A walk in the woods, a morning in the garden, a visit to the seashore can both calm and enliven our senses.

Of course, you don’t have to live near a forest or beach to receive the benefits of nature. Many cities set aside green spaces, like this one in Coyoacán Park in Mexico City. When we’re surrounded by cement and pavement, our souls long for the natural world. We smile when we hear a bird’s song. We slow down when we catch the fragrance of a fresh blossom. We pause and whisper when we see a squirrel.

Nature has that effect on our senses — it helps us see, feel, and think more clearly, and as a result, we make better decisions. In fact, studies have shown that cities with green spaces tend to have less violent crime (see “Can Green Spaces Reduce Violence?,” by Katherine Cullen, Psychology Today, Sept. 23, 2021, psychologytoday.com). After connecting with nature, we often find greater self-control, even in tense moments.

During an especially stressful time at work, one woman decided to walk through a nearby park each day during lunch. Something about the soft breeze, the fresh air and the vibrant green leaves helped reset her thoughts. The problems didn’t go away, but she felt able to face them with a revived sense of peace and perspective.

Why does nature influence us so deeply? Perhaps because connecting with creation also connects us with the Creator. An ancient prophet observed, “The earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, … witness that there is a Supreme Creator” (Alma 30:44). And the psalmist declared, “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord” (Psalm 33:5). Ultimately, nature directs our gaze heavenward, to God.

So the next time life feels heavy, confusing or overwhelming, try spending some time among God’s creations. Notice how much closer you feel to Him. You may discover how much He wants you to feel His love through the wonder and beauty of His wonderful world.

“This Wonderful World”, Lloyd D. Newell