
Hi! I’m Alex Osmond.

In October 2015, my life changed when I prayed to God and asked “What lack I yet?”. I wanted to know what I could do to be a better husband, father, and disciple of Jesus Christ. After humbly pondering and asking this question, I felt the Spirit speak to my mind and heart,

“Spend your time wisely”

I thought then that I was spending my time wisely. After lots of pondering and self-evaluation, I learned I was choosing good things over the best things. I was shortly lead to this talk given in 1986 by Bishop Henry B. Eyring which outlined this message, which I knew came from my loving Heavenly Father that He wanted me to know:

(Start at 22:57)

In that moment I learned again, in my heart as well as in my head, what it means to have a royal inheritance of time, and how a child of promise who believes the promises can invest it—even just a little of it—to produce returns for eternity.

Because of that moment I’ve come to understand something that happened to me long ago. I must have been in my early teens. It was morning, because I can remember the light coming through the small basement window. And I was in a hurry, another sign of morning. I don’t know whether I had been praying, but I felt, not heard, a voice. It was an impression, which I knew then was from God. It was this thought, and close to these words: “Someday, when you know who you really are, you will be sorry you didn’t use your time better.”

I thought then that the impression was odd, since I thought I was using my time pretty well, and I thought I knew who I was. Now, years later, I am beginning to know who I am, and who you are, and why we will be so sorry if we do not invest our time well.


Family, It Is About Time

I have learned through the Spirit some things my Father in Heaven wants me to do and to become. Living life more intentionally, productively, and investing my time into relationships and experiences rather than things has become my priority. I believe I will stand accountable to God for how I invested my time and cared for my family. I want to be prepared and ready when I have a personal interview with the Savior.

Elder Richard G. Scott counseled,

The Spirit has taught me that Satan doesn’t have to tempt us to do bad things—he can accomplish much of his objective by distracting us with many acceptable things, thus keeping us from accomplishing the essential ones. Part of our testing here on earth is to have so many seemingly interesting things to do that we can forget the main purposes for being here.

Satan works very hard so that the essential things won’t happen. In quiet moments when you think about it, you recognize what is critically important in life and what isn’t. Be wise and don’t let good things crowd out those that are essential.

Elder Richard G. Scott, “21 Principles” (pg. 72)

Are there so many fascinating, exciting things to do, or so many challenges pressing upon you, that it is hard to keep focused on that which is essential? When things of the world crowd in, all too often the wrong things are allowed to take highest priority. Then it is easy to forget the fundamental purpose of life. Satan has a powerful tool to use against good people, those who are committed to a worthy, righteous life, who want to do good and intend to make the most of this life. His tool is distraction. He has an extensive array of undeniably good things that are used to keep us from doing the essential ones. Have you noticed that when you begin to focus on something truly important, something of eternal significance, there often come thoughts of other good things to distract you? Satan promotes distraction. He would have good people fill life with“ good things” so there is no room for the“ essential ones.” Have you unconsciously been caught in that trap?

Elder Richard G. Scott, “Finding Peace, Happiness, and Joy” (Chapter 2)

940 Saturdays

Time is our most important asset. Once it is gone… it’s gone. What scares me is how much time we really have to spend with our loved ones and raise our kids. The time our kids are born to the time they turn 18 years old will include about 940 Saturdays. 322 of those have already passed since my oldest has started 1st Grade! There’s not much time when I consider the other family events, tasks, and chores that will require my time and attention.

With this in mind… I optimize, enhance, and maximize my life by

A Life of Becoming

Saving time and optimizing life more efficiently has become a passion of mine. As I have pondered, studied, and experimented how I can live life to the fullest… I have outlined 10 principles that optimize and enhance my life. I have also created templates I use to review and plan out my life to the fullest.

I continue to ask God “What lack I yet?”, and I continue to receive loving prompts and hints on where and how I can improve and grow. I have grown to appreciate the purpose of this life… a life of becoming. I’m grateful that I’m not expected to achieve perfection in this life. Even though I will never be perfect, I can always become worthy through Jesus Christ. Because of Him, I can become who He needs me to be as I continually strive to be a little bit better each and every day.

The purpose of this site is to:

  1. Document my journey and growth of becoming who the Lord needs me to become.
  2. Pay it forward by sharing life lessons, principles, and tools that have blessed my life.
  3. Create a reference of my ambitions and goals in life. I want my family and the world to know what truly mattered most in my life.
  4. Leave this world better than I found it (at least the parts that are in my control).

I’m grateful for the time that I have left in this life to learn, grow, and become. Because of Jesus Christ, there are endless opportunities for growth and fresh starts. He is the center of His plan which truly is the great plan of happiness!