
Podcasts I Listen To

Listening to podcasts and reading blogs is how I like to get inspiration. Reading books is how I like to learn and gather information. I usually listen to books or podcasts when I’m doing mindless tasks and chores (mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, or doing the dishes). When I’m not listening to a book or podcast, I’ll listen to one of my favorite Spotify playlists or radio stations.

I honestly don’t listen to anything else (I figure half of the time I’m listening to commercials when the radio is on). They say you can become an expert on anything after 10,000 hours of study. Imagine what we can become when we invest our time well! That’s why my commute to work has become my “education on wheels”.

Pocket Casts is my favorite podcast app. All of my shows stay organized and in sync between all of my devices. I can customize playlists and save time by automatically skipping intros, trimming silence, customizing skipping options and changing the playback speed down to the decimal. It’s pretty awesome!

The reason I don’t like using Spotify to play my podcasts is I like to keep the separated for different purposes. Spotify is for my music. Pocket Casts is for my podcasts. These are some of the many podcasts I like to listen to: