
God is the Gardener

I have been reflecting and pondering this past week about all of the many events in my life and where I am at today as a man, husband, father, and priesthood holder. I have come to realize and see how much the Lord has been in the details of my life and has continually been steering and directing me in every aspect.

There have been many times where I have frustratingly complained to God that he has abandoned me or doesn’t care to answer my prayers or deliver me from the challenges of life. I now know too well and have personally learned that every challenge, every discomfort, every insecurity, every emotion and pain are experiences that shall be for my good. They have also been felt by the Lord Jesus Christ who understands me perfectly and better than I know myself. Every thing that I am going through or have gone through, is to prepare for something greater down the road… good and bad.

Hugh B. Brown’s talk “God is the Gardener” brings me to tears every time I listen to it, because I can totally relate and I also continually feel the Spirit confirm and bear witness to me that God, our eternal and loving Father in heaven cares and only wants what is best for me.

He is the gardener here. He knows what He wants me to be. If He let me go the way I want to go, I will never amount to anything. And someday, when I am ripened in life, I am going to shout back across the time and say, ‘Thank you, Mr. Gardener, for cutting me down, for loving me enough to hurt me.’

I have since repented of my arrogance and am choosing to let the Gardener take control and do what is best for me. I’m sure there will be many more mile markers over the course of my life where I will look back, see and recognize my growth and direction He aided me with, and will say again, “Thank you Mr. Gardener, for cutting me down.”

This is the audio of his entire talk: